The black hole of the elongated galaxy is asymmetrical at the event horizon and attracts light in a spiral due to unimaginably high gravitational …
The black hole of the elongated galaxy is asymmetrical at the event horizon and attracts light in a spiral due to unimaginably high gravitational …
A firm foundation can help to bear depressing realisations …
The human being – once a perfect, spherical body with two faces looking towards opposite directions: Descended from the sun, moon and earth; striving to take possession of the heavens; punished by Zeus, shattered into two imperfect halves as man and woman; two complementary beings united in love; perhaps rediscovering wholeness …
Bernd Perlbach
(Thoughts on the myth of the spherical men, attributed to Aristophanes by Plato in his Symposion)
Alles geben die Götter,
die unendlichen,
Ihren Lieblingen ganz,
Alle Freuden, die unendlichen,
Alle Schmerzen, die unendlichen,
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
From a letter to Auguste zu Stolberg
Und schnell und unbegreiflich schnelle
Dreht sich umher der Erde Pracht;
Es wechselt Paradieseshelle
Mit tiefer, schauervoller Nacht.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust I, Prologue in Heaven, Gabriel
Tarnung braucht das Licht im Leben
und der Dämon in der Nacht,
Gold bringt seine Sucht zum Beben
und Menschsein ist erwacht.
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